Last week our team was up against some tough competition in Baltimore. At one point we were 20 sales ahead, which is a significant lead. But when all was said and done, each team was scrounging for .01ths of a point because it had gotten sooooo close. Yesterday was they day for the winner to be announced but because of how painfully close the two teams were, no one knew who had truly won until late in the afternoon due to double-double-double-triple checking points.
Then it happened, Taylor called me and told me that our team had lost and we both felt our hearts break a little. So much had been invested in these guys winning that it was hard to hear that it was over and that it had been so dang close. On the bright side, I was happy that Taylor wouldn't have to work a full day today (Saturday) because the competition would be over for them.
Then it happened, Taylor texted me with the reality that we had actually WON! We won by the slim margin of 0.3.