Sunday, November 25, 2012

crafting is my day job

As a stay at home momma, I have lots of time to make stuff I see on pinterest.  It rocks. Taylor and I have this wonderful marriage agreement: He can golf as much as he wants and I can craft as much as I want.  It keeps our relationship healthy on so many levels.  We both have an outlet and hobby that we feel completely supported in by the other.  Lately, I've been really cashing in on this arrangement by making lots of Christmas decorations.  

I've been feeling a lot of Christmas spirit this year.  I think it's a type of nesting.  I want to start our family traditions and memories now that we have little Lisey Lou.  There is just so much magic about the holiday's with a baby around.  The last two years of our marriage my Christmas decorating has been non existent.  So here's what I've been making so that we can have a little Christmas cheer around here.  Thank you pinterest.

giving thanks

Thanks giving this year was wonderful.  Lots and lots of family time!  The Browns came down from Washington and Jared and Morgan (+ peanut!) came from Rexburg.  It was so fun to have so many family members in town and then to be able to celebrate with the Runolfson family in their home--it was a perfect turkey day!

Julie made the best potato rolls I've ever tasted in my life.  Aunt Janna made this amazing homemade stuffing--like dry-your-bread-out-a-few-days-before-Thanksgiving-kind of stuffing and there was just tons and tons of amazing food. *Funny moment was when everyone had their LOADED plates and I looked over at cousin Noah's plate and all he has on his plate is one roll. Just one.  I guess he's a picky eater and was totally content to only eat rolls...they were really, really, good.*

The day was full of football, crafting, napping, eating, shooting guns and a little bit of Brave to round off the day.  It was perfect.  I married into a pretty great family.

Of course I wish I'd remembered to get more pictures..but here's what I got :)


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

i scream for ice cream..

Two months ago my mother-in-law came to Utah to help us move back in to our Wymount apartment (she da best) but CURSE HER for buying BYU Creamery ice cream...and Mrs. Richardson's hot fudge because I am now literally obsessed.  

I'd say once a week... at least...Taylor runs to the Creamery, I have to stay with the baby of course, and then comes home and scoops both of us up a bowl.  I like Cookies and Cream and tonight he was a German Chocolate guy.

Before E, we loved to go to the dollar theater and get the huge popcorn with half diet/half cherry Coke. These days we love our ice cream and shows: White Collar, Once Upon a Time and Shark Tank.

This is a really, really good life.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

I'm a pretty spoiled momma... My little baby slept 9 hours straight last night!!! According to some websites sleeping through the night means five hours of uninterrupted sleep... Sweet Elise does that every night and some nights, like last night she gives us an extra special treat and she sleeps 9 to 12 hours!! I know I'm spoiled and I love being a mom to such a great baby! Oh...and when she does finally wake up... This is who I get to hang out with... Lucky momma!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fresh Start

Today is a special day. Today, I am committing to anyone who cares, to actually write on my blog. My cousin Courtney, who is more like a sister, took time today to make this blog look just the way I wish I could make it look! It's perfect. Thanks Court!

I think I've avoided writing on a blog, in a baby book or even in a journal because there is SO MUCH going on that I feel overwhelmed and so I write nothing at all, which is actually quite pointless.

For me, this blog is a journal so I'm writing for me, but it's oaky if you want to read my journal :)

Taylor is going to BYU and studying Economics. He's working as a recruiter for Alterra Pest Control, who we sell with in the summer. {P.S summer sales is the best thing that ever happened to us despite my fear of it a few years ago}. He's my hero because he wakes up literally every morning between 6 and 7 am to pump iron at the gym. I love to squeeze his sexy muscles ;) Lucky girl, I know.. Actually, today he came home from school and meetings with a Chunky Strawberry from Jamba Juice for me.

Flowers are awesome but food....that's the next level...
Oh, just got a call from Taylor.  He's on his way home from making call for Mitt Romney and he's coming to pick me up so we can go get my iPhone!  This is what I currently have..

..Yeah I still I'm out, but posts full of Lise pictures...COMING SOON!