Monday, July 22, 2013


This weekend has been a very special one for me.  I was blessed to get to have my mom come visit for three full days and each and every day was packed with mother-daughter essentials.  We were also able to squeeze in quite a few grandma moments!  My mom knows how to fill my canteen. It was hard for me to drop her off at the airport this evening.  I felt exactly the same way I did when I was eight and was at a sleep over feeling homesick.  I would start feeling sad and I would really miss my mom.  Luckily we took so many pictures we completely filled our phone storage space {kidding} so I can look back and remember these days well.

A little glimpse of what we did:


Woke up and packed Elise snacks to last like seven hours. Then we headed out for our adventures.  First we found a Goodwill I hadn't been to yet and we searched for children's book treasures!  This was special for me because I love books because my mom read to me so often as a child.  She read the stories with her mom voice that left me hanging on each page.  I love that books were such a prominent part of my childhood and I want to give my kids the same gift.  We found some great Max Lucado books, Dr. Seuss's story about OOBLECK and how it takes over the town, Eloise in Paris {every girl must own} and believe it or not this one.

 Yes, of course we bought it.

After book hunting we were famished so we got Cheesecake Factory amazingness to refuel us for some clothes shopping.  My mom spoiled me with some beautiful new shirts and a perfect-for-moving-a-ton-at-church pencil skirt.

Clothes shopping can wear ya out so then we needed more food.  We picked up the husband and headed north to Benihana's.  A yummy Japanese place where they cook the food in front of you.  It's basically a dinner and a show and it was heavenly.


Church was fabulous as always.  We had a funny small word moment when one of our friend's mom who is also visiting from out of town recognized my mom as a college roommate!  Crazy!

Sunday was also when we celebrated Elise's birthday.  She was truly spoiled to have all the friends we are selling pest control with come and celebrate with her.  We had balloons, cake smashing, cheesecake with berries, tutus and lots of laughs. It was a special day for our special princess.

There also may have been some floating in the pool with grandma but I can not deny nor confirm the truth of that statement {since it was Sunday}.


It's not a visit with your mom without a pedicure so we did that first thing.  Then we did some more quality sun-soaking, floaty riding at the pool.  We had it all to ourselves and it was perfect.  Afterwards we ate at BJ's Brewery which I will be sad to leave when we go back to Utah.  This place is always good and you can't beat and Oreo Pazookie.  You just can't.

It was hard to say good bye but memories were made and we will see each other soon in September.  I so love my mom and can't believe she has already come and gone.

Until tomorrow.

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